Initialled Wall Plaque
jose was given artistic freedom to design a wall plaque featuring the initials of the client. This 3 foot by 2 foot carving took over 350 hours to carve and is one of Joses favourite carvings.
The initial sketch and vision, an original design by Jose - original design wall plaque
The initial sketch and vision, an original design by Jose
Work begins with drilling open areas of the plaque - drilling wall plaque wood carving
Work begins with drilling open areas of the plaque
Open areas are jigsawed out - jig sawed jigsaw wood carving
Open areas are jigsawed out
The wall plaque after drilling and jigsawing - wall plaque jigsaw drill carving
The wall plaque after drilling and jigsawing
Carving of the detail elements begins - carving detailed elements
Carving of the detail elements begins
The finished carving - wall plaque carved in wood
The finished carving
The Final Wall Plaque Featuring The Initials Of The Client - wall plaque pm mp wood carving
The Final Wall Plaque Featuring The Initials Of The Client